Well I promised more pics so here you go :) Thursday I had a really really bad headache and figured some fresh air would help. So i picked up the camera and headed on over to Evergreen Cemetery. I had once heard that the population of Evergreen was greater than the population of Paris, so I Googled. Well for the first time Google didn’t work. I found a few sites that said 40,000 at least 2 sites that said 20,000 and two others that said 18,000 so I have no idea. Anyways...back to the pictures. Okay most people that know me know how big of a chicken I am about everything! And cemeteries are no exception. I'm one of those people that won’t walk across the graves. So you people should feel very loved that I actually went to a cemetery ALONE when it was starting to get dark!!(For some reason the pictures don’t always enlarge with a click so I hope these will)

The first two were some I just walked past while walking around. They were both for young girls. The top one was only 3 and the praying angel was 4 or 5.
And this is the one that got me a little bit freaked out. Yeah I know…it’s just a statue give me a break Kari. But like I said at the start of this post...I'm a chicken!!! :) When I approached this statue I got a much different feeling than the young girl's headstones. This angel, unlike most others, was masculine and sitting. And he wasn’t just sitting down...He was sitting with purpose. He wasn’t just there to look pretty for centuries to come...he was there to watch over this family laid to rest at his feet, as if he was their true guardian angel. The family spot was marked off with a concrete walk and I used that to get the perfect angle. I came upon him from his right, but nothing in the background but clear skies just made the whole picture to bright, so I walked in front of him. And as you can see in the picture he actually has detailed eyes. Most statues like this just have smooth eyes with no detail at all. It was as if his eyes followed me the whole walk across, and as I kneeled with tripod in hand, I just waited for him to break his gaze and blink or turn his head and look at me. I cant even describe the feeling this guy gave me but this is the only picture (other than one with a completely white background) I was brave enough to take. As I walked away from this guardian my hands were shacking a little, but hey maybe the family laid to rest here didn’t want people to linger and mourn them…so they decided to get a statue that would freak them out and run them off!! Worked for me! :) :)