Header taken from "Messenger" - Art by Kurt Vonnegut

Well we've been open for a while now & already had our first Art Show. It was a great success & I can't wait to have more! We've got more cleaning up in the back half of the bottom floor that we should be finished with soon & then we can start on the top floor, again. Our goal is to remodel the small bathroom that is already upstairs, so that we can go ahead and move in! So in about 6 months, we should be living Downtown!!

The Loft
Before & After
Our Wedding



Join the I'm Inititaive

If you use Microsoft messenger you could be making a difference with each message you send! And all you have to do is at a few extra characters to your name :) Depending on which code you use Microsoft will make a donation to the charity of your choice. All you have to do is add one of the following codes to your name. For example my name on MSN was just Kari but now it is Kari*hsus So now every time I message someone Microsoft makes a donation to the The Humane Society of the United States. Its that simple....pick your Charity and then add their code to your user name. Its the little things that make a big difference ;)

Text Code Cause

*red+u American Red Cross
*bgca Boys & Girls Clubs of America
*naf National AIDS Fund
*hsus The Humane Society of the United States
*9mil ninemillion.org
*mssoc National Multiple Sclerosis Society
*sierra Sierra Club
*unicef UNICEF
*help StopGlobalWarming.org
*komen Susan G. Komen for the Cure

for better instructions & more info.


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