Yesterday the senate rejected oil drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge(ANWR)! This has been a hot topic for me recently. I've been arguing on the side of the senate hoping they would not allow the drilling because we know Bush would have let it happen. Like a co-worker said "When it comes to oil, I don’t see Bush as a president but as an oil-man," since we all know he is involved with Halliburton. Yes, Bush keeps saying that we are "addicted" to oil yet he was pushing for the senate to pass the bill to drill in Alaska, and then he goes and visits Biodiesel (a company working on alternative fuel sources) and talks about how much he loves "the innovative spirit of our entrepreneurs in this country" but yet after searching and searching for literally hours (just ask Joe) I cant find a SINGLE dollar amount that is being set aside to help these innovative spirits achieve their goals!! Isn’t it kind of contradictory to say what he is saying, but then turn around and try to move to Alaska for about 5 more years worth of oil, now, when we still have at least 15 years worth of oil reserved or in production? Not only that, but the government is also giving
tax breaks to those who buy Hummers and any other gas guzzling SUV (A good thing gone bad that has still not been fixed).
If we started drilling in Alaska that would give the government another 5 years(Approx) to put alternative resources on the back shelf! I mean give me a break....haven’t they been saying since at least the 1950's, and earlier, that we are going to run out of oil and we need to find something else. Yet the government has always pushed it to the back...we still have time. Enough is enough...stop putting it off and do something!!
Why does Japan have more fuel efficient cars than us?? I mean Toyota (Japanese automaker) had 3 hybrid cars in production before Ford (American automaker) finally decided they should get with the times and develop one!
Our fellow blogger, Tass, said he is paying about $6.00 a gallon, yet you don’t hear him and his fellow countrymen crying about the high gas price there. We are only paying $2.60 and yet we complain, why is that?...Because I am sure Tass' car probably gets way better gas mileage than the average American's vehicle. That is why the $6 doesn’t kill them like it does us, or maybe it does, I’m not sure, but it stands to reason that they need less....we need more to fill up our Escalades, Hummers, Expeditions and Excursions. Next time you watch a film or see a photo that was shot in Japan or Europe...look at all the little cars then look around next time you’re on the road... BIG trucks and SUVs as far as the eye can see. And no, I don’t think they will make the move to alternative resources overnight! But why is America taking so much longer to get at least more fuel efficient cars.
Well I didn’t do much talking about Alaska…but I for one am VERY happy the senate voted against the bill and did their part in actually protecting some of our American wildlife.
Here Here!