Ouch, That Hurt!
Why are schools banning games that teach kids to resolve disputes, learn from others, and games that excercise their bodies and problem solving skills? Check out this article about schools banning games in the name of safety.
I guess we could just send our kids to school under constant supervision, strap them down in their seats so they wont be a danger to themselves or others, and feed them through a straw like the invalids we are raising them to be. While were at it.. Let's not teach them to poop in the toilet either...They might fall in!
I guess we could just send our kids to school under constant supervision, strap them down in their seats so they wont be a danger to themselves or others, and feed them through a straw like the invalids we are raising them to be. While were at it.. Let's not teach them to poop in the toilet either...They might fall in!
Denise, at June 28, 2006 12:02 AM
Anonymous, at June 28, 2006 9:02 AM
Denise, at June 28, 2006 6:13 PM
My experience in the public school system has brought me some very interesting observations. One is that a lot of female teachers and administrators have a hard time with any rough and tumble. (No disrespect to the ladies.) Instead of watching kids and stepping in only at the moment things starting getting out of hand...or reprimanding/punishing the kids who don't show a little self-control...they choose to be reactionary and cut out the activity all together. When I was at Prairiland, they had banned all trips to Six Flags because a couple of kids on one trip were caught shoplifting. Instead of punishing the kids and using the incident to educate other students on the consequences of such an action, they punished everone for the actions of a few.
Some kids lack a modicum of self-control that lets them play rough games and not get carried away into full scale slaughter (or their parents lack the realization that kids are made of rubber...they bounce back.) But where do kids learn this concept to play "full out" but "watch out," by doing...and getting hurt.
The other thing I have ovserved in public education is that ideas move west a lot. Some yahoo in the east has a bright idea, like school vouchers, and eventually it pops up in Texas. Excuse my state pride, but sometimes I think Texans are have more common sense than the common eastern liberal. (Oops, was that my conservative slip showing. Let me tuck it back in.)
Tim and Melissa, at June 29, 2006 12:09 PM
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