Header taken from "Messenger" - Art by Kurt Vonnegut

Well we've been open for a while now & already had our first Art Show. It was a great success & I can't wait to have more! We've got more cleaning up in the back half of the bottom floor that we should be finished with soon & then we can start on the top floor, again. Our goal is to remodel the small bathroom that is already upstairs, so that we can go ahead and move in! So in about 6 months, we should be living Downtown!!

The Loft
Before & After
Our Wedding



Blood and Tears

Wow.... two posts in one day. Well when you have to lay around for a while...there’s not much else to do :)

First tears...As you all know the last installment of Harry Potter came out on Saturday. I had pre-ordered it about 3 months ago on Amazon.com so it was delivered to the house at around 3:00...so that’s what I have been doing since after the Tour that keep me from making a post for so long ;) I finished it at about 2 this morning. I just wasn't tired enough to stop reading and I didn’t want to stop reading when I did start to get a little tired (I only had 3 chapters left). So after some tears, I get really emotionally even just reading books, I finished the series. Its sad now...knowing there wont be another book. But oh well...I'll just have to find something else to read.....

Now the blood.........About a month ago they started planning a blood drive at the chamber, and to be honest I've been dreading it since I first heard the words, just cause i knew this involved needles. I HATE needles! I wouldn't say I have phobia but I just don’t care for them at all. So I knew I would sound so pitiful telling my coworkers that I was a coward and couldn’t do it. I just hadn’t said anything about it until it was mentioned last week and I told them...no thanks...don’t do needles. Not much else was said but I was still dreading it...I just knew I would feel like an idiot with all those people going in and out giving blood and my coworkers doing the same. So today finally came...I pulled up and saw the blood drive vans and my stomach dropped. Judy and Rachel had been turned down (not enough iron) and in a moment I would have been relived they were both kinda upset. So I kinda dwelled on it all day. Then I started thinking about "the glass door incident," surely I lost enough blood that day to have to receive blood. I called Mom and Dad did confirm that I received a good bit of blood that day. Blood that had been donated in the same way these people were doing today. So I went home for lunch and decided to head back to the chamber and go for it. So about half way through it....I started getting light headed and almost passed out. One second I was fine...the next there were five people over me giving me ice packs. I laid down for like 15 or 20 minutes, tried to get up...and had to go through it all again. I never actually passed out but Joe had to come pick me up. Total, I probably laid there for about 45 minutes or so. So now I'm just laying here for a while..........

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  • Oh gee, don't give any more blood if it is that hard on you. I am so proud of you for trying. Did they get enough from you?
    I am praying that we can find enough for Harold Wayne. He needs 40 pints to cover the 4 pints that was given to him. If you know anyone that can donate please ask them to give it in his name. Love you my brave girl, Mema

    By Blogger Mema, at July 24, 2007 6:20 PM  

  • It took that long to catch up on all your comments it's now ten to zzzz one in the morning zzzz and I have no time to read this but I will tomorrow zzzzzzzz:)

    By Blogger mirk, at July 24, 2007 6:52 PM  

  • I'm so proud of you for pushing through your fear, Kari. Who knows who's life you may have saved from giving blood today?! Way to go, girl.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 24, 2007 7:42 PM  

  • At least they were able to get some from you...the last time I gave blood, they poked me about 3 times and were never able to get any. OUCH. I've always been hard to stick, so I just stop going anymore. My heart is in it, but not my blood vessels, I guess.

    By Blogger Tim and Melissa, at July 24, 2007 7:52 PM  

  • Never read Mr Potter wee china is on the fifth book though. We did see them coptering in the building materials for Hagrid's hoose up there in Glen Coe (you have seen pic of the glen before here) before filming and we pass the bridge/viaduct most years on the way to Malaig.

    Well done on the bike ride lobster:)

    By Blogger mirk, at July 25, 2007 9:09 AM  

  • Blood & Tears! No Sweat? Or was that in the Tour de Paris?

    LOL! Blood, Sweat & Tears across two posts in one day! Cool!

    By Blogger Dan, at August 17, 2007 10:33 PM  

  • This is just too cool! I am so excited that I can now leave a big "hello" on your blog!! Thanks for visiting mine, I am soooo ignorant on this subject....with lots of help I should get better. I love our layout, don't have a clue how you did it! Can't wait for updated pictures...you guys are awesome!!!
    Love Aunt Darlene

    By Blogger Darlene, at August 22, 2007 10:28 PM  

  • Hi Kari......

    Hugs and kisses Aunt Darlene

    By Blogger Darlene, at August 27, 2007 5:54 PM  

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