Just a boring update...
Well I promised a post last night so here ya go! Not much is going on other than just working on the building still. :( We've rented 2 different "tile scrappers" and they didn’t really work very well :( We are still scrapping up the tile I was talking about on April 10. BUT....Joe got a 3rd scrapper machine thingy today and it works!!! We SHOULD be done with the floor this week!!! :D I'll get some pictures taken and try to post them tomorrow. Really...other than that there’s not really much going on! Today was first day being part-time at my job instead of full time. I went to lunch with my Mom, Ace and Sophia and it was just weird sitting there at lunch realizing...I don’t have to go back to work!! But I enjoyed getting to do some other stuff....I cleaned house a little bit, scrapped floor (didn’t really enjoy that part) and went and bought some new pants and then went to yoga class. Still not eating that fruit I said I was going to but I go to yoga every Monday, last Wednesday and Friday Joy and I went to Pilates class. We were going to start taking that class every week but it’s 50 something dollars a month and we just don’t want to spend that much money. Anyways....I guess I'll get some pictures up tomorrow...Good night!!
And what's this about promising to post pictures "tomorrow"? You said "really".
Did I miss them? :)
Dan, at May 16, 2007 11:58 AM
I was going to say "yoga???.... you have been reading to much of Dan's stuff" then I clicked and the swish dude got here first jeez!!
mirk, at May 17, 2007 4:56 PM
Never mind. That doesn't look so good. Stop holding your tongue.
Dan, at May 18, 2007 9:13 AM
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