Well I promised an update last time so I thought I would go ahead and post the update. We had to send out a search and rescue team for Wicket after he went out for a potty break so I finally went ahead and mowed the yard!! Then we headed to the building to start painting. We were ready to start moving the molding and mats and then Joe had a wonderful idea....Hey instead of cleaning and planning and laying and staining and finishing the wood for the floor...why don’t we just pull all that tile up and expose the concrete and seal will be easy and will go so much faster. So now we are scraping up more floor. Yeah, the same torture we are going though upstairs...we are putting ourselves though that voluntarily!! Some of it is coming up really easy....but a lot of it isn’t....:( Oh will look great when we are done. I had my 2nd Hypnotherapy session today...So far things seem to be going good. I have been more aware of clenching during the day time and that is the first step we were working towards. We made a second cd today. And man I'm telling is SO relaxing! It’s kinda hard to describe. I listen to it on my ipod while I am going to sleep and it puts me to sleep.
My new job has been just awesome! I love it...its so fast paced and there are always things to do. We had an archery tournament a few weeks ago that was just unreal!! We had 3 people from England...a few from Canada and Mexico...and somewhere else out of North America but I don’t remember where it was. There were over 1,000 registered archers, all the hotels were booked solid...Magel's Grill had a 3 hour wait line!!!! The Archery people said this is the Largest even they have ever had and its only going to get bigger!!!!! I was more excited about it than Joe and I probably got on his nerves talking about it but it was just amazing being in the middle of it all. I wasn’t involved until right when the event was getting here since I just started working at the chamber, but I still had a lot of fun! I called all the restaurants, hotels, and banks and asked them to put "Welcome to Paris ASA Archers!" on their signs and it was so fun seeing all the signs say that and a lot of the archers were talking about how they felt so welcomed by everyone at the event and even by the town in general with all the signs welcoming them! I just cant tell you how much fun I had!! Becky, Mindy and Greg did all the work getting this group here and getting everything together!! It was just fun! I worked in the concession stand on Friday and Saturday. This year the event was Friday-Sunday and next year its going to be all week long (so don’t be surprised if I call you trying to get you to work in a concession stand ;) )We are getting ready for the Uncle Jesse Bass Tournament on May 5th and then after that we have the Tour de Paris bike ride coming up. I was just put on the committee for that and we have a meeting the 19th! ANYWAYS.......This is getting to be a long post ($50 bucks says Larr saw how long this was and said "forget that")
The only bad news is...My computer died on me today :( I tried to turn it on to set up a slide show for my boss and it just wouldn't turn on. I started freaking out a little cause I have A LOT of stuff on that computer!! Plus I was trying to set up a slide show for my boss.....that was scary enough.... So I'm using Joe's computer right now. I'm probably going to get this laptop and Joe will probably get another new desktop. But I'm not sure if I like it 100%. I love Macs but it is so different than I used we will see.
Anyways....this is really long so I better go...and I bet there are probably a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes....
My new job has been just awesome! I love it...its so fast paced and there are always things to do. We had an archery tournament a few weeks ago that was just unreal!! We had 3 people from England...a few from Canada and Mexico...and somewhere else out of North America but I don’t remember where it was. There were over 1,000 registered archers, all the hotels were booked solid...Magel's Grill had a 3 hour wait line!!!! The Archery people said this is the Largest even they have ever had and its only going to get bigger!!!!! I was more excited about it than Joe and I probably got on his nerves talking about it but it was just amazing being in the middle of it all. I wasn’t involved until right when the event was getting here since I just started working at the chamber, but I still had a lot of fun! I called all the restaurants, hotels, and banks and asked them to put "Welcome to Paris ASA Archers!" on their signs and it was so fun seeing all the signs say that and a lot of the archers were talking about how they felt so welcomed by everyone at the event and even by the town in general with all the signs welcoming them! I just cant tell you how much fun I had!! Becky, Mindy and Greg did all the work getting this group here and getting everything together!! It was just fun! I worked in the concession stand on Friday and Saturday. This year the event was Friday-Sunday and next year its going to be all week long (so don’t be surprised if I call you trying to get you to work in a concession stand ;) )We are getting ready for the Uncle Jesse Bass Tournament on May 5th and then after that we have the Tour de Paris bike ride coming up. I was just put on the committee for that and we have a meeting the 19th! ANYWAYS.......This is getting to be a long post ($50 bucks says Larr saw how long this was and said "forget that")
The only bad news is...My computer died on me today :( I tried to turn it on to set up a slide show for my boss and it just wouldn't turn on. I started freaking out a little cause I have A LOT of stuff on that computer!! Plus I was trying to set up a slide show for my boss.....that was scary enough.... So I'm using Joe's computer right now. I'm probably going to get this laptop and Joe will probably get another new desktop. But I'm not sure if I like it 100%. I love Macs but it is so different than I used we will see.
Anyways....this is really long so I better go...and I bet there are probably a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes....
If you have ever eaten at FishTales, their floor is sealed concrete. There is a little paint on there floor, not sure if it was stenciled or what but it looks kind of like stones painted allover it - not garish, kind of soft and it looks nice. Good luck with the scrahttp://wwping.
Anonymous, at April 17, 2007 6:23 AM
Kari, at April 17, 2007 11:23 PM
About your PC. If it wouldn't turn on at all it's probably the power supply. It happened to me once. Easily replaced, they cost about $50-$80 and you or Joe can even replace it yourself. It's not very hard. Everything is still on your hard disk, I'm sure.
Dan, at April 18, 2007 6:20 AM
I just bought a Mac Mini and boy, is it ever different from my 1999 iMac. But, I can read your blog on this one!!!! It always locked up the iMac? I don't know why!
I am glad you are having so much fun with your work. Good girl. Love you!!
Anonymous, at April 18, 2007 7:41 AM
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