I’m writing this, so people who might take offense to my previous post, (no, not the one about racism, which I think is a much more important issue) the one about the fact that American idol is a goofy program, so everyone will understand where I’m coming from. Sorry for any hurt feelings, I’m just trying to illicit some responses about a very, in my eyes, important issue, which is only our way of life, or rather, or current way of life and the fragility of it.
Everyone should agree that America, and possibly, the world, though I’m not sure, watches entirely too much television. Kids are more likely now to spend more time on the Internet, playing video games or watching T.V. instead of reading or playing outside. Adults or, I guess the elderly, as well, although some would disagree, are addicted to the tube and TIVO, despite the fact that they did not grow up subjected to the set. Why have our habits as a nation created us and molded us into couch potatoes, relaxing and munching on snacks as images of violence, sex, and profanity wash over our sentient brains. Have we become too complacent in the times we live in to even explore what effects this is causing on our generation and future generations?
Something must be done, research needs to be conducted on so many areas that we are neglecting. We are subjecting infants and toddlers to new media, and we are still unaware of the impact this is having on our children. Media immersion begins early with Baby Einstein videos and Teletubbies before children can even walk or talk, and then it soars. It is critical we learn more. According to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation in the United States, children aged eight to 18 have an average media usage of six hours and 21 minutes daily. So, basically half of all children’s waking hours are spent staring at a TV or computer screen. And don’t even get me started on the stats when it comes to how many murders or sexual acts children witness on the tube before they turn 18. Let’s just say it’s in the hundreds of thousands.
If we knew the effect television has on our society, would we continue to watch, or would be floored to find out what has become of our great nation due to pixilated images making mush out of our fragile, yet resilient brains? What is so important that we must tune in every day to our ‘favorite’ television programs? Has entertainment finally or has it always gotten the better of us?
The fact is, television shows brainwash. Don’t believe me? Try not watching your favorite show next week and take note of how you feel knowing that you may never see that episode again. You’ll hear your brains contriving ungodly things. ‘Not a problem,’ it will say, ‘I’ll just get the DVD set when it comes out.’ ‘Ha, I’ll just go over to my friends house, they always TIVO it.’ ‘Man, I wonder what happened…hmm…oh well, there will be previews, that’s good enough..or is it?’ What things go through your mind? Do you get angry, depressed or sad? We should all know the answer to this. What show was it that they had to replay because so many people made a fuss that they didn’t get to see the very end of it?
The more you watch, the more you want to watch, until your brain just gets sick of it all and tries it’s hardest to tell your body to do something. Do we really want to train our brain to accept what it doesn’t really want to accept? How twisted and messed up will we make ourselves when we stop doing what our body must do to stay alive and healthy?
I’m guilty of it too. I watch stupid, goofy ass shows just like everyone else. I would watch ‘Blow Out’ 24-7 if my body would let me and it’s basically a long advertisement focusing on an egomaniac, hell bent on selling his products and making a name for him self. It’s sad, but true, and it’s working for him. He’s making money, along with everyone else spewing their ideals and everything else at you via a nonchalant household conversation piece.
We watch for so many reasons, mainly, escapism. I know that’s why I watch ‘Blow Out’. I know I’ll never live in Beverly Hills and be able to afford thousand dollar hair stylist appointments or be able to do up a famous persons do. Same reason I watch ‘Lost’, to escape reality, and the same reason I love SciFi. Reality to me, is something I’d like to avoid when I watch Television, I get enough of that during the day, dealing with all sorts of people, who are normally conversing about what they saw on the tube last night. It sometimes makes me ill. But its life and I’m use to it. I even get in on it sometimes, when it’s the same thing I watch, which is rarely. Go figure. Why can’t everyone find the humor and amazing messages that South Park point out in their amazingly funny episodes? God love em, because, most Christians obviously don’t, but that’s another post that will probably never happen.
I’ll leave you with one last question; make that two and a couple rhetorical. Do you let television rule your life? And, is this what we want for your children?
No, I don’t let it rule my life, or do I? Hmm, Thank God for TiVo, eh?