Header taken from "Messenger" - Art by Kurt Vonnegut

Well we've been open for a while now & already had our first Art Show. It was a great success & I can't wait to have more! We've got more cleaning up in the back half of the bottom floor that we should be finished with soon & then we can start on the top floor, again. Our goal is to remodel the small bathroom that is already upstairs, so that we can go ahead and move in! So in about 6 months, we should be living Downtown!!

The Loft
Before & After
Our Wedding



A Different Kind of Energy

Anyone who doesn't believe wind farms are beautiful should be shunned and depreciated as responsible humans. What's more beautiful then a machine that can harness the power of nature (cleanly) for our own benefit?

This just doesn't make sense to me at all.. The politics behind wind farms should be condemned as un-American. Did you know they've shutdown windfarms or had legal battles over the fact that they might kill migrating birds, bats etc? Politics or truth, I ask you. If birds can't stay away from a few hundred blades whipping through the air, then they are obviously not respectable birds in my humble opinion, however, from everything that I've read, it appears to be more politics then truth. The effect of wind farms on wildlife is extremely minimal, much less minimal then the effect of cars, sky scrapers, hunters and noxious gas producing power plants. Why opponents of wind farms even have a leg to stand on, is beyond me. The people who couldn't care less about these animals appear to be the ones battling the issue in favor of them, instead of the environment, which really makes sense. Politics be damned in my opinion. Politics be damned...


  • I totally agree with ya Joe...wind farms would make things a whole lot better....and serisously...birds may have small brains but I think they can avoid those blades. Although, havnt there been reports of birds flying into airplane engines.....

    By Blogger Kari, at April 27, 2006 3:35 PM  

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