Header taken from "Messenger" - Art by Kurt Vonnegut

Well we've been open for a while now & already had our first Art Show. It was a great success & I can't wait to have more! We've got more cleaning up in the back half of the bottom floor that we should be finished with soon & then we can start on the top floor, again. Our goal is to remodel the small bathroom that is already upstairs, so that we can go ahead and move in! So in about 6 months, we should be living Downtown!!

The Loft
Before & After
Our Wedding



Where All My Time Goes...

Two posts within a couple of days of each other! :) I’m doing pretty good huh!!!

I just thought I would expand on my ‘I’m always busy because of committee meetings reference,’ since I’m sure it seems like committees shouldn't take up so much of a person’s time that they can’t blog! But I’m here to tell you they can!! :D Although I don’t think there is a single committee I would want to get out of if I had to, they do take up a lot of my time! But they are all for the betterment of my community and will be beneficial in one way or another to my future children, so I think it’s worth it. Listed below in no particular order (other than Main Street is my favorite so its on top :D) are all the committees and boards that I am a member of.

Main Street Board – This is a group that is supporting Downtown. We plan different events that happen like the Pumpkin Festival. And this year we are adding at Competition at the Skate Park for kids and Movies in the Park. We are also working on a “Fire Festival” that would celebrate the rebuilding of Paris after the 1916 fire. We are working to have this event up and going in 3 years and then have a HUGE event for the 100 year anniversary of the fire! I could probably make a Whole post about everything going on with this Board…so I’ll just leave it at this for now ;)

Main Street Promotions Committee – This is a Committee from the Main Street Board that I am actually the chairman of. We are in charge of planning the events such as the three listed above! It’s really exciting and I think I found one of my true passion through this committee…Planning Events! I just LOVE being one of the people behinds the scenes getting an event going. Most people want to be the person that gets to go to all these parties and things…I like being the person providing the event for people to enjoy!!

Paris Downtown Association – This is another group that promotes Downtown. It’s mainly made up of different merchants in the Downtown area but also consist of some residents living in the area, and others who just want to see Downtown grow. We were originally called “The Downtown Merchants” but we changed our name and our direction, which is to promote Downtown in general instead of just looking at the merchant side of things. Its really taken of lately and a lot of exciting things are coming out of it, like a fashion show that will be happening in April or May (cant remember when it is).

The Arts Downtown – The Arts Downtown is a really small group of the galleries located Downtown and is considered a subcommittee of the Paris Downtown Association. It was started to just promote the Art that is downtown, and to try to have more art events and make Downtown more of art community type atmosphere.

Keep Paris Beautiful Board – The name probably gives you a hint about this Board. We do what needs to be done to Keep Paris Beautiful. Such as pushing the city to tear down old buildings, and we help fund things such as the Trail de Paris and some Leadership Lamar Class projects. I’ve actually only been to one meeting for this group, so I’m still learning.

Keep Paris Beautiful Education – This is a committee from the Keep Paris Beautiful Board that focuses on educating people about Keeping Paris Beautiful, I guess that’s the best way to describe it. Right now we are focusing on getting recycling available to the schools, which as most of you know, is something that I’m also very passionate about!

Holiday in Paris Committee – Obviously this is another committee whose name says it all…we plan the Holiday in Paris event that happens in December. Right now we’re kind of taking a break and will get going again in July probably. We did have a recap meeting in which I was given the responsibility of the Art Walk!!! Joe and I have some ideas on how to improve this, so I was really happy when I was able to take it over!

Tour de Paris Committee – Another committee that is all about planning an event! We have our first meeting of the year in February and we will start getting things taken care of. This year we are working on moving the route so that it will go through Downtown!! I get to be in charge of getting the numbers for the riders and Goodie Bags, which I found out last year, is actually more challenging that it sounds!!

Ambassador Club – For this group I just have to go to Ribbon Cuttings any time there is a new business in town that joins the Chamber of Commerce, and we have monthly meetings to just talk about what we did the past month and what is coming up the next month. I won the Ambassador of the Year award for this group this year!

Leadership Lamar – This is just a one year class that I’m in. We basically just learn about different things that are offered around the county and get to tour different places, such as Kimberly Clark, Campbell Soup, The North Campus of the hospital, and the new Police Station. Plus we have a class project that we have to work on and our project is Ryan’s Heart…the new boy’s home for homeless or abused boys ages 14-18. The other shelter in town can’t keep boys over the age of 14 and families were being split up. This facility will give the boys somewhere else to go now instead of having to go to Tyler, which is the closes facitly that they could go to.

Save the Grand – This committee isn’t actually in place yet but there is a lot of talk going on…and when it happens you can bet your butt I’ll be there!!!!!! :)

Well…I think that’s it!! Hope that wasn’t to boring for ya! But I thought I would leave y’all with something to read while we’re gone!! Although I’m sure if we have internet in the hotel at Vegas I’ll post and let y’all know how things are going :)

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We're Still Here!

Yes, we are still here! Time is just flying by this year!! Its almost the end of January already!! So what has been going on in the Daniel household since the last post? Well obviously there were the holidays…which all went by great...never really felt like Christmas this year for some reason...but what ya gonna do? Then of course there is the shop...I'm there all day every day now. I keep thinking I will be able to get back to blogging since I'm alone all day, but there is actually a lot to do! :) Well then there is also all the committee meetings and then there was Max :)

Joe & I got to be foster parents for 5 days. Max was a Golden Retriever that was found in our neighborhood on Christmas Day. Long story short...it was either us take him or he was going to the shelter, and I wasn’t going to let that happen, so we got him! He was so sweet and playful and I wanted to keep him so bad, but we don't have a big enough back yard for him and he would have eaten us out of house and home!! I finally found him a home with a friend of mine!

Well now we are getting ready to leave for Vegas Friday morning!! We are going to a Framing Convention at the Hilton. We are staying at the Sahara and will be there until the 30th. Then we will head home and stop at the Grand Canyon...which at first I was really really looking forward to...but then I got to thinking...its going to be REALLY REALLY COLD!! So I've got two scarves lots of sweaters thick thick socks and gloves!! I should be okay...but we'll see!

And some sad news...I did my usual visit to broadway.com (Someday I will get to go...until then Broadway.com is my little fix) and on the home page is the news....No, the news of Clay Aikin staring in SPAMalot, that just makes me sick...no the sad news is this... " After 12 amazing years on Broadway, the beloved musical hit Rent is closing. Now you've got less than 525,600 minutes to see it again!" Rent is closing!!! And I won't get to see it! June 1st is the closing date and I know it won't be until next year (if that soon) before I get to go! So no Rent and Clay Aikin in SPAMalot....if only I could go back in time!! All I can hope for is Clay Aikin will be gone....there will still be no Rent...but there will still be Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, Lion King & others!

Well I've got to get to packing!!!

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

Mahatma Gandhi    

Plastic Bags Consumed This Year

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge