Header taken from "Messenger" - Art by Kurt Vonnegut

Well we've been open for a while now & already had our first Art Show. It was a great success & I can't wait to have more! We've got more cleaning up in the back half of the bottom floor that we should be finished with soon & then we can start on the top floor, again. Our goal is to remodel the small bathroom that is already upstairs, so that we can go ahead and move in! So in about 6 months, we should be living Downtown!!

The Loft
Before & After
Our Wedding



Top Five

Just a quick update :) I made the top five!! We vote on Wednesday this week to see which project we will be doing. I was #3 on the top 5 so we will see how it goes. There are some problems with the #1 project that our class president is just sure we are going to get sued over...but it wont happen...she just doesn’t like the project and is trying to shoot it down in my personal opinion :) The project is a boy's home for homeless boys...she thinks some parents will sue for harboring a runaway........but that’s not what the home is for....anyways its a long story which means a different post later when I have time :D
Just wanted to give a quick update...

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Just a quick little update :)

I did my presentation today for recycling! I don’t know that I've been so nervous!!! I was the 3rd person to present and the other two projects were really good so that made me even more nervous!! But I stumbled through pretty good I thought and only forgot to say one thing...but it was on my handout so that’s okay! :) I didn’t get to get much feedback from the class as I had to leave early for Jazzercise, but they were all listening to me and had a few questions, that I was prepared to answer, so that made me feel good. Now its just waiting to see how the votes go! :)

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"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

Mahatma Gandhi    

Plastic Bags Consumed This Year

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge