Holy Holidays, Batman!
Did you read this one about the Presidential Christmas Cards that have some people all riled(or in Texas, rawled) up. Sad stuff if I do say so myself. So why are they so mad? Basically, the Bush administration failed to say 'Merry Christmas' on the card, instead they said 'happy holidays' or something and included a Bible verse from the OLD testament! No, not the New Testament of the Bible, The OLD! Because the old doesn't mention anything about Jesus's birth, so that makes it wrong. Wow. Where do these people get their logic? Oh that's right, their logic comes from their belief that they are right and everyone else is wrong, always, no matter what, despite their obvious and often abundant hypocrisies. Oh yes, and their card also didn't have a picture of Jesus on it or anything, just the Bush family pets frolicking in the snow of the White House lawn.
Now I'm not in the business of defending Bush, but come on! Ultra conservative right winging, tail flopping, holy hollering Christians need to take a DEEP breath and get back to their senses once and for all. I mean, this president is losing the people who voted him into power in the first place. Did you hear that? It's your sect who made it possible for your man to have another 4 Years as the most powerful man in the world. Your voices who praised him and lifted him up on high. Your actions, your rhetoric, your faith which, in my humble opinion, called forth the opening of the flood gates of true Christians to vote for a man whom many have said is no more Christian in action then Tom Cruise. Yes, I said it, meant it and be happy I didn't say David Blaine.
So after reading the article, I recalled to myself what me and Kari are sending out as our "Christmas Cards" and realized we probably wont be having a Bible verse in it. The picture will be of Us and our Pet and we'll probably wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, although, everyone we know are Christians, or at least aren't offended by a Merry Christmas greeting. The Bush Administration is sending out 1.4 million cards to all different nationalities that have given them money. I wouldn't say Merry Christmas either, sounds to me like good Politics...Remarkable.
p.s. May our thoughts and prayers go out to those of this date, Dec. 7, 1941, who were involved in the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Now I'm not in the business of defending Bush, but come on! Ultra conservative right winging, tail flopping, holy hollering Christians need to take a DEEP breath and get back to their senses once and for all. I mean, this president is losing the people who voted him into power in the first place. Did you hear that? It's your sect who made it possible for your man to have another 4 Years as the most powerful man in the world. Your voices who praised him and lifted him up on high. Your actions, your rhetoric, your faith which, in my humble opinion, called forth the opening of the flood gates of true Christians to vote for a man whom many have said is no more Christian in action then Tom Cruise. Yes, I said it, meant it and be happy I didn't say David Blaine.
So after reading the article, I recalled to myself what me and Kari are sending out as our "Christmas Cards" and realized we probably wont be having a Bible verse in it. The picture will be of Us and our Pet and we'll probably wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, although, everyone we know are Christians, or at least aren't offended by a Merry Christmas greeting. The Bush Administration is sending out 1.4 million cards to all different nationalities that have given them money. I wouldn't say Merry Christmas either, sounds to me like good Politics...Remarkable.
p.s. May our thoughts and prayers go out to those of this date, Dec. 7, 1941, who were involved in the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Larr, at December 08, 2005 1:29 PM
At the same time, like you pointed out, Bush got a ton of financial support (not to mention votes!) by courting the Christian right. Should he be surprised when they get miffed that he snubbed their signature holiday?
Brian Rhea, at December 12, 2005 10:46 AM
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