Well I promised Brian pictures a few days ago so here they are!! The Loft is coming along really nice!! I'm so excited about moving and its taking everything in me to not just pack up one day while Joe is at work and just move us myself....who needs painted walls & a clean floor?? ;)
This pictures is standing at the front of the building looking towards the back. We took down the only wall that was upstairs, it went along the back columns that have different colors of paint on them.
This area is where the small bathroom originally was...we decided to tear it out because it was too small and in pretty bad shape. But once we did it uncovered this really cool little area where you can walk all the way around the stairs. So we are leaving that open and moving the bathroom to somewhere else...not sure where yet...
This picture is taken from the same area as the first picture. We unbricked all the back windows & Bob (our amazing carpenter) built new windows. The wall facing the front is the back wall to our room. It will have mirrors on it and that area will be my Jazzercise room, where i can learn my routines and watch myself in the mirror to make sure I am doing everything correctly!!

This is the other wall to our room. We put the windows on top to help keep natural light flowing. And the door way is double french doors. The little entry way to the right (almost hidden by the column) goes into our bathroom.

This is our bedroom! The inset area on the wall will be Josiah's closet. We got some of the Pax System units from Ikea for both of our closets. His will have doors on them. The door to the right goes into my closet. My Pax system wont have doors since it is behind doors.
And this is our bathroom! You walk through double pocket doors that match the french doors. To the right will be our sinks. We got some vanities from Ikea and some really big sinks (also from Ikea). And the best part about the sink area.....there are 2 sinks!! So I dont have to share with Josiah anymore! ;) Along the back wall is a stand alone shower. Yes there is a window in the shower but we will have a shower curtain that stays closed in front of it. To the right of the shower will be were our tub will eventually go. Right now the elevator is there but someday (after we get moved) the elevator is going to be gone. There will eventually be an elevator at the front of the loft for moving purposes.
This pocket door (directly to the right of hte shower) will go into the toilet room. The flooring in the entire bathroom area will be black cork flooring!! I'm really excited to get that down!!
Our carpenter is upstairs right now tiling the shower so I will get a picture of the tile up in the next day or two! He almost has up all of the tile that we have but it isn't going to be enough. We had to special order more from Home Depot and it wont be in for another week probably. We are hoping to be moved in in about a month or two. Depending on the shower. That is really all that is holding us up. We just need to get some cleaning done and finish the floors. All the plumbing is already run so it will take no time at all to get the sinks and toilet hooked up. Joe is going to be refinishing the floors in the bedroom soon which will take some time. But while we wait on the shower tile there isn't much more to do..... :)
Oh yeah...we also listed the house with a realtor about 3 weeks ago. It has been shown 11 times now and no serious bites. But hopefully that will change soon since we are finally almost done fixing the floors form when the toilet broke. Our realtor is convinced that once we finish that it will sale pretty quick....but I'm not holding my breath... Here is a link to the website listing....http://paristxrealestate.com/detail.cfm?proptype=residential&mls=22562