Fruits; Running; and other Boring Stuff....
Well, here I sit, eating my 3rd fruit since the last post...which I actually went and got so I could say I'm eating my 3rd fruit...I've been doing Horrible with the whole daily fruit thing. Mostly cause...well cause...fine I don't have a good excuse!! I've just been doing bad with the fruit thing...and the running thing. Its still to cold outside!! It was sleeting today...true not long...but it did. I have done Pilates *once* but the amount of work I've been doing at the building has more than made up for that!!! What I did from 1:30 to 5:30 is worth at least 2 nights of Pilates!!! You remember when I mentioned that Larr & Brian & Joe worked on the floor while all us girls were at the baby shower. Well Joe told me today he thinks I got more done on the floor in my 4 hours alone than the 3 guys did in their 4 hours of working together! Did you get that...I did more than 3 guys!! Sounds like at least 2 days of Pilates to me!! And oh my goodness am I feeling it now. My knee was already feeling tired before I started and at 5:50 I told Joe 'all that really hurts right now is my hurts worse but other than that I'm just tired'. Well its now 9:40 and my arms shoulders back knee hurts...and my neck hurts...and every other muscle in my body hurts too :( But oh well...I'll sleep it off and back to work tomorrow!! Speaking of tomorrow....I've got a job interview at 9:15!!! I'm kinda nervous, its not like if I don't get the job we are screwed so there's not a lot of pressure, but its a job interview!! Who doesn't hear 'job interview' and get nervous?! So wish me luck!! Well I've got 3 outfits I've got to go try on and decide what to wear so I better get off here now. I'll let ya know how things go! Oh and we forgot the camera at the building so I'll post pictures tomorrow night of what all I got done today.
Denise, at January 31, 2007 11:34 PM
Good luck with the interview today!
Dan, at February 01, 2007 6:51 AM
If you think a good nights sleep will help the aches and pains it won't just wait until tomorrow you won't be able to move.
That's why we men take things more slowly so that we don't ache... honest that's why honest it is.
Good luck with the interview!
mirk, at February 01, 2007 3:34 PM
Oh and Larr came over and looked and he said I got about as much as they did...only in their 4 hours they also moved the flooring they pulled up to the bottom floor...I just pushed it in front of me. So all in all they only spent about 3 hours actually working on the floor so I had an hour longer than them... `
Kari, at February 01, 2007 10:12 PM
And I'm sure you're getting your fruit intake with that juicer you got! :)
Kari, at February 01, 2007 10:15 PM
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