Header taken from "Messenger" - Art by Kurt Vonnegut

Well we've been open for a while now & already had our first Art Show. It was a great success & I can't wait to have more! We've got more cleaning up in the back half of the bottom floor that we should be finished with soon & then we can start on the top floor, again. Our goal is to remodel the small bathroom that is already upstairs, so that we can go ahead and move in! So in about 6 months, we should be living Downtown!!

The Loft
Before & After
Our Wedding



I'm Back!!!

Well since Joe is watching Fearless (all I hear are bones cracking) I thought I would finally make time to sit and catch everyone up on the craziness that has been the past 2 months!! Well in the 1st 2 weeks of November we did nothing(those were the good ol' days)...but in the 3rd &4th weeks of November all we did was work on the bottom floor of the building. On the first and second weekend in December there was going to be an Art Walk Downtown and we wanted to have the Gallery open in time to be included. So we went from this....

to this...

in about 2 weeks! I know it doesn’t look like much but Joe painted the floor and we hung sheets all the way around the mezzanine and Joe hung the hanging system for the art work. But the 1st weekend Joe and I weren’t there...instead we were in Oklahoma with my family. It was my mom's 50th birthday and all of us kids surprised her at the cabin. She didn’t know we would be there...so we arrived about 30 minutes before her and dad and hid our cars and surprised her when she walked into the game room. It was a really fun weekend...and a long needed relaxation period for Joe and me! But after that weekend it was back to work. We finished up a few more things, including putting up track lighting above the art for better lighting, for the second weekend of the art walk. Downtown was so busy and just buzzing with people...we had carolers dressed up in Victorian outfits and of course Santa was in his hut right next to the fountain. It was a great weekend...and I was told the 1st weekend was even better! The second weekend we didn’t get many people though the gallery but Joe's parents said the first weekend was busier. It’s already in the plans to make "Holiday in Paris" an annual event. So the 1st and 2nd weekends in December this year you know what we’ll be doing. Wow this is getting to be a really long post....anyways...Well right after the art walk was finished the art was put away in a safe place...the sheets came down...and then the real mess started. Joe and Joy (Joe's sister) pulled the bottom of the left mezzanine down. It became one huge mess!! Then, while all of us girls were having fun at a baby shower for Christi (just 10 more days) Joe and my brothers, Brian and Larr, were pulling up the wood flooring along the top of the mezzanine. By the time I got there after the shower they were already half way done with the first side of the mezzanine!! I was really impressed with how much they got done!! Joe and I finished that leg the next day and started along the middle section. Hopefully tomorrow we will get A LOT more done...Well this post is really really long now...so I'll just leave you with this picture so you can see the mess we have literally gotten ourselves into!!

I really hope all those stupid pictures enlarge with a click after I publish.....

:D Oh by the way...Happy Thanksgiving...Merry Christmas...and Happy New Year!!!!!


  • Good to see you are back - the building is really coming along. Glad to know too that Joe has something else going on besides work since it has not been fun there lately!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 13, 2007 8:55 AM  

  • Wow, you know when we were there you talked about the hanging sheets, but I never understood why they were hanging. I didn't know about the art weekends. That sounds like fun.
    The place looks so different from even when we were there. Can't wait to see the next set of pictures in 3 months, or sooner. :)

    Love ya

    By Blogger Tim and Melissa, at January 13, 2007 2:37 PM  

  • You guys have really turned that place around. And the art exhibit was very classy; I was so impressed! I know ya'll are getting tired/frustrated, but seriously--it looks awesome. Much love!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 13, 2007 4:37 PM  

  • From the 1st pic to the 2nd pic was very impressive. Yall really did bring that place together for that weekend. Now from the 2nd pic to the 3rd pic yall have made so much progress it won't be long before yall will be looking for stuff to do. Keep up the great work & look forward to a great Grand Opening!!!

    By Blogger Denise, at January 14, 2007 7:06 PM  

  • Why wasn't I told about the Art Walk? I would have been there. I missed the parade also, I thought it was the next weekend I guess. It looks wonderful. I don't see how you got it ready so fast.
    You guys are really movers and shakers.
    Much love,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 22, 2007 1:51 PM  

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