Free Time All The Time
As a silent guest sitting in a homeroom class of about 30, I was awestruck at the lack of disobedience and the neglectful attitudes of the students regarding their education, self respect, and overall appreciation of their situation.
The average classroom age was probably around 11, I think they were 5th graders. They weren't doing anything special, they weren't about to go outside, they didn't just get back from lunch etc. This wasn't a special class and they all were all told to behave, "Is this how we act when we have a visitor?" Would be asked a few times while I was there.
Now don't get me wrong, I realize that children will be children. But their actions went far beyond that of the normal child who knows when to sit straight, focus their eyes and attention on the teacher and keep their mouths zipped. That's how it was when I was in school, and I wouldn't expect any less from my children (provided we have any) when they go to school.
So I guess my question is and what my thoughts are trying to lead me to, is this. Is there something wrong with these children that needs to be addressed now before later or is this type of behavior normal in this day and age?
Also understand that this scenario happens to me very often with about the same outcome. I walk into a room of roudy kids, they are asked to behave and do so for about 5 seconds and then start up again. If I'm there to work on something, I cannot hear myself think, for one, the issue normally takes me 4 times longer to fix and I think to myself afterwards, "If I can't think about something I do 10 times a day, how are these students going to learn about something that they've never done or thought about before?"
I guess I'm just a little confused and amazed on what it's really like in a classroom, considering I only spend such a short time in them, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour.
Do children do better and become more creative in a roudy, unruly atmosphere, or is a quiet setting with Mozart playing in the background more mind expanding for them?
The average classroom age was probably around 11, I think they were 5th graders. They weren't doing anything special, they weren't about to go outside, they didn't just get back from lunch etc. This wasn't a special class and they all were all told to behave, "Is this how we act when we have a visitor?" Would be asked a few times while I was there.
Now don't get me wrong, I realize that children will be children. But their actions went far beyond that of the normal child who knows when to sit straight, focus their eyes and attention on the teacher and keep their mouths zipped. That's how it was when I was in school, and I wouldn't expect any less from my children (provided we have any) when they go to school.
So I guess my question is and what my thoughts are trying to lead me to, is this. Is there something wrong with these children that needs to be addressed now before later or is this type of behavior normal in this day and age?
Also understand that this scenario happens to me very often with about the same outcome. I walk into a room of roudy kids, they are asked to behave and do so for about 5 seconds and then start up again. If I'm there to work on something, I cannot hear myself think, for one, the issue normally takes me 4 times longer to fix and I think to myself afterwards, "If I can't think about something I do 10 times a day, how are these students going to learn about something that they've never done or thought about before?"
I guess I'm just a little confused and amazed on what it's really like in a classroom, considering I only spend such a short time in them, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour.
Do children do better and become more creative in a roudy, unruly atmosphere, or is a quiet setting with Mozart playing in the background more mind expanding for them?
oopss... I guess it was a long time ago!!!
Anonymous, at January 12, 2006 1:04 AM
But, if they're reading, then "zip it! Everyone." The bottom line is that whatever the mood in the room, the kids themselves need to feel like the teacher is directing it, intending it and controlling it. That makes them feel safe and that allows them to relax and focus on their work.
It's a rare kid that is so self-motivated that they show up to every class truly ready to learn (not to earn an A, but to learn...a lot of kids show up ready to earn an A). It's the teacher's job to motivate that part of the brain and heart (this is not easy). It's the teacher's job to deal with kids who are intent on ruining it for everyone (consistency is challenging). It's the parents' job to make sure their child has a proper ear for authority and an appreciation for learning.
What's really tough though is that that formula isn't dealing with numbers, it's dealing with people. It's not predictable that a+b+c=learning. The teacher can be working their self to the bone trying to motivate a class, they can be doling out consistent discipline and the parent can be doing all they know to get their kid to have a good attitude; and still, the kid(s) just refuse(s) to cooperate. That can be frustrating, but what I try to tell myself is that even if they aren't getting any content whatsoever out of my class, they are still getting an education. An education on how to be a constructive and contributing member of society and disrespect will not be ignored or allowed. There aren't any awards for non-participation. I may never see those lessons come in to fruition but I do believe that for a lot of the kids in this situation it'll click one day. Maybe they're 24 when it happens and maybe they don't even remember my name or face, but I believe I will have been a part of it.
Brian Rhea, at January 13, 2006 8:43 AM
And while I totally agree it’s the parent’s job to make sure the child respects authority and appreciates learning, I find that this is becoming increasingly not so. When we were in school, not even ten years ago mind you, I would’ve been picking my teeth up off the floor had my parents gotten wind of me talking back to a teacher or cheating on a test. Okay, so I’m exaggerating a little, but you know what I mean! That kind of behavior would not have been tolerated. I find that more and more, it’s falling upon the heads of the teachers to educate these children not only in math, English, and history, but also in matters that have nothing to do with school. The proper way to act in public, how to keep themselves clean, and quite simply, right from wrong…these are things Larr and I work on with Aidan every day. And judging from the growing number of bad attitudes, underhanded deeds, and overwhelming apathy I’ve faced in the classroom, I don’t think the same is going on in as many households as it should. And I said all that to say this. Frankly, Joe, I think some teachers, with kids and problems of their own, just aren’t up to the challenge of raising someone else’s. It gets exhausting!! And this is why it may appear as if the teacher just doesn’t care.
I only wish that you could witness a genuinely creative, rewarding learning experience in a classroom. To see a child smile and enjoy himself while he learns something from you is pretty awesome. Most grow to trust you; some even grow to love you. And as many bad days as I may have, one good one every once in a while totally makes up for it.
Anonymous, at January 13, 2006 4:19 PM
Larr, at January 15, 2006 9:31 AM
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