It's Official!!

Closing was on Tuesday for the Old Swaim Hardware building! Hopefully the Salvation Army will be moving out soon so we can get to work on getting the downstairs ready for the Framing Studio and the upstairs ready for our loft!!

We went ahead and put a For Sale sign in the front yard! We are going to try and sale it ourselves first and maybe get a realtor later.
We went on the Loft Tours downtown this afternoon and I have become VERY excited about getting our future residence livable. I was nervous about the whole move at first but now that I have seen other people do it and have seen how much we can do I'm eager! There really is SO MUCH we can do!! Joe is Really excited about refinishing the floors. The original wood is still there!!
One person had a deck on the roof just like what I want so I know it can be done!! A few others had a sun room type thing which we can do in the back room once we unbrick all the windows! I will of course get pictures of the loft once we start cleaning it up and stuff and post them on here for everyone to see!
Denise, at May 21, 2006 2:30 PM
Anonymous, at May 21, 2006 4:10 PM
Tim and Melissa, at May 26, 2006 7:24 AM
Anonymous, at June 02, 2006 7:32 AM
Anonymous, at June 10, 2006 4:47 PM
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