A Quick Take II: updated

We finally went to see a new movie at the theatre which happens to be a semi-controversial flick called, ‘The Da Vinci Code’. 'Why is THIS movie so controversial?' I was thinking throughout the movie. Ironically enough, I believe it is because it makes people question their faith, and ardent evangelical church members do not take too kindly to their brothers and sisters questioning what they believe. Still, ask someone why the Da Vinci code movie is so controversial and they'll most likely say because it depicts Jesus in an uncharacteristic light. If that was the case, no one but sadists, atheists and agnostics would go see this movie. It simply depicts Jesus in a different light. Can you not be human and divine at the same time, even if you’re the son of God? Is it against the rules? And who exactly makes these rules, God? Why is it so unrealistically unfathomable that Jesus might have sired children? Fact is, this movie does no more damage to faith in God, then does the 'The Lion King' or 'The Prophecy' movies.
Then there is the argument as someone last night pointed out, that if Jesus had sired children, then he wouldn't be the 'spotless lamb' that the bible claims him to be. -Who makes these rules?- Also, this person points out that the son of God, or God in human form would not have sired children because, 'what is the point?' Why would God want to have fathered a child, it seems unrealistic and unfathomable. I said, becuase he wanted to experience it, to which was said, that he is God, he is all knowing, he knows what it would feel like. So I let it be. Perhaps, what I should have said, is that God works in mysterious ways. WHAT a mystery, eh? Perhaps not if you are a true believer. Perhaps so, if you believe there is more to the bible then is told.
So what did I think of the movie? I thought it was really great; it seemed to really bring the book to life, which they followed remarkably close. Still, and as always, the book was much better.
Kari, at June 02, 2006 12:16 AM
I have not read the book nor seen the movie but only because my life is filled with other things most of the time. There, I believe, is a pivotal point in this argument. Read the "Screwtape Letters" by CS Lewis. This is an unsettling account of a minor demon, Wormwood, reporting to his commanding officer, Screwtape, on his progress to keep a man from living a righteous life. The account shows Wormwood using one distraction after another to sway the man from his path. I think Dan Brown's book falls in this category. While some people may find the story interesting, others heretical, others prophecy...I see it as a story. It doesn't change what is important. What will you do with Jesus Christ!
Whether you beleive in 7 literal days of creation or millions of years of evolution, the fact of man's broken relationship with the Creator still remains. The bible tells us the only cure for what ails us is to confess our disobedience and believe that Jesus was God's son sent as a sacrifice to provide us a way to have that relationship again. Whether or not you believe Dan Brown is unimportant...whether you believe John 3:16 is an eternal question. Is Da Vinci Code from Satan? Only in as much as it becomes a stumbling block. I plan on seeing the movie at some point, I guess, but it's not a problem for me. I know there's a God who knows me and sent his Son so I could live as much for Him as I am willing and die to my reward.
That, mi amigo, is the scoop on Da Vinci. Not some long dead secret that in the end means nothing...nor some all important heresy that should be burned or stamped out... but simply the clanging of some lone cymbal; one insignificant story. What's that compaired to ...well...God!
BTW Joe. I've been reading Karen Armstrong's book for several years now. (I get distracted.) I'm curious what your thoughts are. I find her academic approach apt to what SHE is trying to accomplish but all in all inadequate to the task. I like certain points of the book because she reveals some history I'm unfamiliar with. I guess I'm a bit of a mystic in my approach but she sometimes offends me when she puts God on equal footing with idols like Baal. That however is my own obvious bias at work. (Wouldn't have it any other way.) Thanks for inspiring me enough for this response. Sorry if it's too long.
Anonymous, at June 04, 2006 11:14 PM
I admire your desire to live with and worship God for who he is and not what he gives. But in order to be with God, you must first answer the question of Jesus. Read John 6:43-51. Eternal salvation through Jesus Christ IS living with God. The only alternative is eternal seperation from God. Salvation is a reward freely given, but it is also the only way to know truly know God, also. In the book of Acts and Pauls letters we are told that salvation through Christ also brings us the filling of the Holy Spirit who leads us, compforts us, and inspires us. That is not to say we should wait around for some spooky feeling and forget about the spiritual disciplines of bible study, prayer, meditation, corporate worship, etc. BTW, apply the concept of the HS to the writing of the bible. If God inspired its writing and collection through the HS, why is it so hard to believe that its purpose remained clear through thousands of years and many different people. You notice I wrote purpose. Don't pelt me with issues of inerrancy. I just show my moderate Texas Baptist slip.
Finally, religion is not personal. Religion is social. It is man's construct for worshiping God. We know He wants our worship both individually and corporately. The bible tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves. I think what you mean is our "relationship" to God is personal...and you'd be right. Read the book of James to find out what religion is pure and undefiled before God. It's a small book and you'll find the answer near the beginning. Go ahead...try it.
I have really enjoyed this conversation. I hope we can continue it at length. It has made me really study and meditate on some of these issues.
Tim and Melissa, at June 07, 2006 12:15 AM
Tim and Melissa, at June 10, 2006 9:19 AM
Anonymous, at June 13, 2006 6:49 PM
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