Header taken from "Messenger" - Art by Kurt Vonnegut

Well we've been open for a while now & already had our first Art Show. It was a great success & I can't wait to have more! We've got more cleaning up in the back half of the bottom floor that we should be finished with soon & then we can start on the top floor, again. Our goal is to remodel the small bathroom that is already upstairs, so that we can go ahead and move in! So in about 6 months, we should be living Downtown!!

The Loft
Before & After
Our Wedding



Helping our Children

After a long break from the blog posting world I thought I would let everyone know that Joe hasn’t killed me yet...I am still here :)Just thought I would update everyone on what I have been up to!
Well first off, my second semester of Accounting started and it has started to kick my little bootie already! Thankfully I'm not the only person in the class not flying through like I did last semester! We did get a little break when our teacher's son got really sick and she had to miss two days of classes...thankfully he has gotten much better and its back to class as normal. We are actually doing all the corporation accounting this time and it’s a lot more complicated then you would think! We were assigned to pick one corporation that we wanted to do research on and follow their stocks and news releases for the whole semester. I was tossing back and forth either going with a company that I wanted to find out more stuff about so when I argue with people about why they should not support Abercrombie and Fitch I would have more ammo and be able to tell just how bad they are probably ripping you off....not to mention all their bad morals....but I decided to go with a company whose products I love and Josiah and I have given as a gift every chance we get! Leapfrog Enterprises! So far I have found out even more great stuff that they do which makes me want to support them even more! They are actually out there doing good things for the community, instead of basically promoting porn and selling inappropriate clothing to children and teenagers! I think that every child I have gotten a present for recently it has been Leapfrog...with the exception of Ace (my fav kiddo ever!) which I have also given some really really Cute clothes too! :)
Leapfrog started when a father couldn’t find any good educational toys for his son and decided to develop the toys himself. They now offer systems for the classrooms and I believe they actually care about the future generations! Like the Alphabet Bus we got Ace for his bday...he loves playing with that and its teaching him his ABC's and what sounds the letters make, I've also seen him enjoy his LeapPad (which his grandparents got him for his bday) which is teaching him words and many other things...if it gets set in his head at this early of an age that learning is fun it will probably stick with him better than the kid who grows up doing nothing at all but watching TV constantly (not that I am saying kids who watch TV are going to be stupid...you know what I mean). To get to my point....LeapFrog enterprises is a WONDERFUL company who has their heads in the right place! Our children are the future and don’t you want to see them grow and make our country and our world a better place than it is today! So next time you need another gift for a child and you just don’t know what they like...go to your local store and pick them up any of the leapfrog systems and I promise the smiles that will follow will be worth it a thousand times over!
And second...well....there is nothing else...school and work is about it....and nothing exciting really ever happens at work...


  • We do love the Leap Frog!! Ace has so much fun, whether it be shakin' his groove thang to the alphabet song or choosing the correctly colored cape on a flying pig(one of his favorite games on the Leap Pad). A terrific invention as far as we're concerned...why couldn't we have thought of it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 14, 2006 4:58 PM  

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