Header taken from "Messenger" - Art by Kurt Vonnegut

Well we've been open for a while now & already had our first Art Show. It was a great success & I can't wait to have more! We've got more cleaning up in the back half of the bottom floor that we should be finished with soon & then we can start on the top floor, again. Our goal is to remodel the small bathroom that is already upstairs, so that we can go ahead and move in! So in about 6 months, we should be living Downtown!!

The Loft
Before & After
Our Wedding



Craz'ism Prizzay

This subject is somewhat touchy to ultra sensitive for most people to talk about, so I'll try to be as brutal as possible.


You may not even know you're a racist, or you may not care you are a racist. You may try to hide your racism by being overly nice to those who are different from you, or you may not be racist at all, although that is much less likely. And still some may not even know what racism is.

So what is racism?

Dictionary.com defines racism as being 'discrimination or prejudice based on race'. Meaning, members of one race prefer their race to another by using only preconceived notions about that race, religion or philosophy.

Anyone who has studied psychology knows about the study that shows that most white people have an implicit bias towards black people. What this means, is that most white people have a harder time associating black people with positive words, such as, happy, or awesome. Put a picture of a black person with a word such as 'convict', and for some reason, white people just agree and wouldn't question that such a thing would be false. Whoever said Justice is blind, was obviously not a psychologist. Well, now there is a new study saying that there is a strong correlation between having voted for Bush and having an implicit racial bias. While pretty much all white people have somewhat of an implicit bias, white Republicans had more of one than white Democrats.

So now you know that what you are feeling may not be right. But maybe racism has its place in the annals of modern society for a reason. Perhaps racism exists for a reason that we have yet to realize. I believe everything in nature is working towards a harmonic balance. Maybe it stands to reason that today’s racism is a counterbalance to tomorrows 'total acceptance'.

So where do we go from here? Do we point out this implicit bias that exists in most white people? Can we truly ever be fair and just as a nation united in its' distrust of black America? Perhaps one day we will be able to judge people on their character, and not the color of their skin...I'm pretty sure Martin Luther King Jr. said it much better than I ever could. We are definitely products of our environment.. Let’s try to make the environment our kids grow up in a healthy one, in more ways then one.

Note: I scored as having an approximately equal preference,
See what you score here


  • I scored a little less than equal but I'm not sure how accurate this is as far as actually meaning you are racist or not. Don't most people prefer anything in life that is more of a mirror of themselves as far as looks, feelings, attitudes, and all. I attended an all white high school and even there we separated into groups that had things in common. I know that I probably have some racism if I am truly honest, but I think a certain amount of my various prejudices have to do with who I am more than who other people are. I tend to like to be around people who have qualities that I either have or would like to have no matter what color they are. I don't want that to be an excuse on my part but I think that if the key is understanding than it makes sense that the more things we find we have in common with someone the less prejudice we have towards them whether it be race, color, creed, or high school clique.

    By Blogger Dee Martin, at April 22, 2006 8:34 PM  

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